Our helical piling systems for deep foundations have been successfully utilized for a wide range of applications. Compared to other types of foundations, helical piles conserve labour, material, equipment and installation time.

Typical applications for our helical pile system include foundations for:
- Pipe racks
- Pipe bridges
- Valves and scraper traps
- Skid mounted building and equipment
- Building and equipment floor slabs
- Streetlight foundations
- Tower foundations
- Manifolds
Or to replace any deep foundation where wood, concrete, steel or auger cast piles are being considered.
Earthquake performance
If you are operating in an earthquake zone, crew piles may be the solution. Able to withstand lateral displacements and tensile forces, screw piles offer load resistance and ductile response.
Loss of skin friction is often a nightmare for other piling options, screw piles are the exception because they are a deep foundation pile with significant end-bearing capacity. Screw piles offer a lower capacity reduction from shaft friction loss during ground liquefaction and all throughout the process. Tension and capacity loads remain supported by the helix. Once a proper depth is achieved, below the liquefaction zone, a helix is placed to withstand tension loads when a seismic event takes place.